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About Immigo

About us

Dr. Madan A Sendhil. Chairman, Rathinam Group.

M.S (Software Engineering), University of Central Florida, Orlando Ph.D. (Information & Communication Engineering), Anna University Software Project Manager (1996 - 2000), Motorola, USA Recipient of Indian Power Entrepreneur Award, USA Tamil Association


"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others"

“Education is the fundamental and most significant element in nation-building”

“Education is the fundamental and most significant element in nation-building”, Keeping this vision in mind, Rathinam Group (RG) has been serving the student community by providing world-class education for decades. Through interacting with many people from various cultures throughout my postgraduate studies in the United States, I came to the realization that we Indians have intellect, talent, and the potential to be the greatest leaders in the world. With this aspiration in mind, in 2023, RG established Rathinam College of Pharmacy (RPH) to produce an outstanding student community of dynamic, ingenious, innovative, and progressive pharmacists. As we may be aware, our nation leads the world in the production of generic medications and has also provided support to various countries during pandemic times. Over the past few years, the pharmaceutical business has experienced strong, double-digit growth. By 2025, it is desired for pharmaceutical manufacturing to contribute 25% of the GDP. One of the fastest-growing fields in the pharmaceutical sector is industry-focused education, offering countless employment opportunities and entrepreneurial prospects. I am delighted to welcome students who aspire to enrol in RPH and pursue a career in pharmacy. RPH's highly experienced and skilled faculty educates students and provides guidance for achieving careers. Following their education, RPH students become competent, independent, morally upright, ethically responsible citizens, and work towards the welfare of society and our nation.

Principal's Message

“It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard to get one single remedy”

Dear Students,

Warm greetings from Rathinam College of Pharmacy (RPH). After realizing the significance of the pharmacy profession to society in 2023, our distinguished chairman, Dr. Madan A. Sendhil, a philanthropist and educationalist, founded RPH to create devoted pharmacists for the global community. RPH is dedicated to providing high-quality, value-based pharmaceutical education using cutting-edge teaching and learning strategies. RPH offers soft skill training and career orientation programs with a focus on the personality development of students. Our faculty members are skilled, committed teachers who can comprehend developing minds. Students are motivated to take part in conferences, workshops, and educational events. There is a huge demand for skilled pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industries, academia, research and development, marketing and management, hospitals, clinical research, government agencies, etc. due to the rapid growth and industrial globalization. I'm happy to welcome you to the RPH, where you can learn about and pursue a career in the prestigious and esteemed field of pharmacy, expand your skills, express your talents, establish your future and outlook, and become an excellent and outstanding pharmacy professional.

Dr. N. Balakrishnan. M. Pharm., Ph.D.,

Joint Secretary, Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Tamil Nadu South Life Member, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India Life Member, Indian Pharmaceutical Association Member, Board of Studies-Pharmacy Course, TNMGRMU (2019-2022)


Years of
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Rathinam College of Pharmacy
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About Immigo

Leading Immigration Consulting Firm Based In United States.

Reliable Service Since 2007!...

All this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teach- ings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects dislikes or avoids pleasures itself because it is all pleasure but because those who do not know how pursue those who fail.

  • Mission

  • Vision

  • Values

Mission Statements

Bring Creativity & deep think

Sed non neque at elit commodo commodo. Integer condimentum egestas rutrum. Sed eget euismod leo. Morbi ultrices orci in est interdum tincidunt. Cras eget ultrices leo. Maecenas facilisis ligula nulla

Vision Statements

Motivation & Determination

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras sed diam tempus, tempus enim et, feugiat leo. Suspendisse eu libero sed risus luctus feugiat aliquet.

Values Statements

Important Information Contain

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born will give you complete account of the system expound the actual teachings of the great explorer the truth master builder of human happiness.

Expert Team Members

Our Team at Your Service

Alice Bella

Financial Department

Finn Hudson

Career Consultant

Hazel Eliana

Immigration Consultants

Reggie Hunter

Founder & Managing Partner
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Why Choose Us

Reason for Choosing Us

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you completed great
explorer of the truth the master-builder.

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Direct Interviews

Nullam nec risus elementum augue molestie gravida.

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The same as saying shrinking from we like every best.

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Faster Processing

Donec sed semper urna. Quisque accumsan sem mattis.

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Trusted by Clients

Give you a completed account the expound the teachings.

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Visa Assistance

Proin dignissim scelerisque ante, vel malesuada eros laoreet a.

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24/7 Support

Expound actual teachings too the great explorers truth.

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Offices Worldwide

This mistaken idea denouncing praising pain was born anyone.

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Team Members

Teachings of the great explorer the truth master-builder of human.

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Visa Processed

Nor again is there anyone loves or pursue or desires to obtain pain.

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Countries Served

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

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Satisfied Clients

Nullam ullamcorper gravida purus, nec pretium lorem dictum eget.

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Company Reports & Statistics

The Impact of
Our Competitive Efforts

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you complete great explorer of the truth the master-builder.

Student Visa
Residence Visa
Business Visa
Tourist Visa
Report for the Year 2020